「神學不離地」課程體驗周 2016/2017
日期:17/10-22/10/2016 (一至六)
地點:香港中文大學校內課室 (詳情請參看稍後的確認電郵)
報名費用:港幣五十元正 (體驗課堂數目不限,惟課室座位有限,先到先得,以本院確認為準)
- 活動截止報名日期為10月11日;
- 參加者完成 網上報名 後必須以郵寄支票繳交港幣50元正的報名費,支票抬頭請寫「香港中文大學」並寄回新界沙田香港中文大學崇基學院神學院收(信封面請註明2016/17課程體驗周);
- 如10月13日(星期四)前仍未收到報名費支票,所有網上報名一律被視作自動放棄論;
- 是次活動不接受現場報名;
- 當報名一經確認後,參加者將會收到一封註有參加者編號的確認電郵,屆時憑該電郵即可出席已獲確認通知的課堂;
- 如課室有任何調動將會以電郵通知參加者,同時參加者可密切留意此頁的更新。
電話:3943-9941 (馮小姐) 傳真:2603-5224
Open Week 2016/2017
Objective: To enable participants attending the courses taught by the Divinity School of Chung Chi College without paying a course fee and experiencing the theological education and training offered by the School during the Open Week.
Period: 17 Oct to 22 Oct, 2016 (Monday to Saturday)
Venue: Classroom inside the campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (more details please refer to the confirmation email after successful registration)
Registration fee: HK$50 (unlimited trials of classes but limited quota per class subjecting to the final approval of the Divinity School)
- Please sign up by the online form and send us a cheque of HK$50 payable to "The Chinese University of Hong Kong" as the registration fee by post.
- Registration will be closed on October 11 (Tue);
- The cheque should be delivered to the Divinity School of Chung Chi College on or before October 13 (Thurs). If you have not completed it, your seats will be released;
- Walk-in registration is NOT allowed;
- All applicants are required to submit the cheque to confirm the registration;
- A confirmation email with a specific registration code will be sent to each participant who can simply show the email when attending the registered class;
- Participants will be informed by email in advance in case of classroom re-arrangement or can refer to updates posted here in this site.
*Limited classroom capacity, first-come-first-served and Divinity School reserves the right of final decision.
Enquiries: please contact the Divinity School of Chung Chi College at:
Phone: 3943-9941; Fax: 2603-5224
Registration URL: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=2052293
課堂時間表 Class Schedules
課堂時間表 (Class Schedule) - 17/10 星期一 (Monday) | |||||
課程編號 Code | 科目名稱 Course Title | 講師 Teacher | 時間 Time | 上課地點 Venue |
授課語言 Medium of language |
THEO5272 | 現代西方基督教 Modern Western Christianity |
王曉靜博士 Dr. WANG Xiao Jing Marina |
2:30pm-5:15pm | YCT LG2 Activity Room | P & E |
THEO5959 | Special Topics on Christianity in China II: 普世教會合一運 動與中國教會 | 王曉靜博士 Dr. WANG Xiao Jing Marina |
7:00pm-9:15pm | HYS G01 | P |
THEO5956 | 教牧學與輔導:專題研究I: 教會場景內的性治療 (與姚志鵬醫生共同教學) THEO5956 Special Topics on Pastoral Studies and Counseling I: Sex Therapy in Church Settings |
關瑞文教授 (與姚志鵬醫生共同教學) Prof. KWAN Shui Man Simon Dr. Yiu Chi Pang, Christopher |
7:00pm-9:15pm | ELB LT3 |
C & E |
課堂時間表 (Class Schedule) - 18/10 星期二 (Tuesday) | |||||
課程編號 Code | 科目名稱 Course Title | 講師 Teacher | 時間 Time | 上課地點 Venue |
授課語言 Medium of language |
THEO3240/ THEO5340 | 本地教會探究 Local Church Study |
黃慧賢博士 Dr. WONG Wai Yin, Christina |
9:30am-12:15pm | ELB 202 |
C & E |
THEO5214 |
希伯來文釋經 (不開放 CLOSED) |
李均熊博士 Dr. LI Kwan Hung Leo |
10:30am-1:15pm | CCT T20 | C & E |
THEO2235/ THEO5335 | 系統神學(一) Systematic Theology I |
葉菁華教授 Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis |
2:30pm-5:15pm | SB LT2 | C |
THEO2216/ THEO5316 | 保羅書信 Pauline Letters |
葉漢浩教授 Prof. IP Hon Ho, Alex |
2:30pm-5:15pm | YIA LT5 |
C & E |
THEO5220 (RELS5325) | 中國文學中的基督教 Christianity in Chinese Literature |
黎子鵬教授 Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John |
7:00pm-9:30pm | ELB 207 |
C & E |
THEO3244/ THEO5344 | 禮儀學 Liturgics |
伍渭文牧師 Rev. Prof. NG Wai Man Andrew |
7:00pm-9:15pm | FYB 405 |
C & E |
THEO5945 | 基督教輔導學 Christian Counselling |
關瑞文教授 Prof. KWAN Shui Man Simon |
7:00pm-9:15pm | ELB LT4 | C & E |
課堂時間表 (Class Schedule) - 19/10 星期三 (Wednesday) | |||||
課程編號 Code | 科目名稱 Course Title | 講師 Teacher | 時間 Time | 上課地點 Venue |
授課語言 Medium of language |
THEO1212/ THEO5312 | 新約聖經導論 Introduction to the New Testament |
黃根春教授 Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric |
9:30am-12:15pm | YIA 502 |
C & E |
THEO2213/ THEO5313 | 智慧文學與詩篇 Wisdom and the Psalms |
李均熊博士 Dr. LI Kwan Hung Leo |
10:30am-1:15pm | ELB LT2 | C & E |
THEO2211/ THEO5317 |
五經研究 (不開放 CLOSED) |
王珏女士 Ms. WONG Kwok Sonia |
2:30pm-5:15pm | ELB 308 |
C & E |
THEO2221/ THEO5321 | 早期與中世紀教會 Early and Medieval Church |
林子淳博士 Dr. LAM Tsz Shun Jason |
2:30pm-5:15pm | CCT T41 | C & E |
THEO5962 |
崇拜與聖樂:專題研究I : 崇拜中的會眾詩歌 (由於天氣關係,課堂將於10月26日繼續開放予體驗周參加者) |
梁明浩博士 Dr. YANG Myoung Ho |
7:00pm-9:15pm | CCT T41 | E |
THEO5906 |
基督教研究之方法與範式 (與葉菁華教授共同教授) (由於天氣關係,課堂將於10月26日繼續開放予體驗周參加者) |
葉菁華教授 (與葉漢浩博士共同教授) Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis and Prof. IP Hon Ho, Alex |
7:00pm-9:15pm | SB LT2 | C |
課堂時間表 (Class Schedule) - 20/10 星期四 (Thursday) | |||||
課程編號 Code | 科目名稱 Course Title | 講師 Teacher | 時間 Time | 上課地點 Venue |
授課語言 Medium of language |
THEO3254/ THEO5354 | 基督教倫理學 Christian Ethics |
龔立人教授 Prof. KUNG Lap Yan |
9:30am-12:15pm | HTB B6 | C & E |
課堂時間表 (Class Schedule) - 21/10 星期五 (Friday) | |||||
課程編號 Code | 科目名稱 Course Title | 講師 Teacher | 時間 Time | 上課地點 Venue |
授課語言 Medium of language |
THEO2241/ THEO5341 | 牧養神學 Pastoral Theology |
盧龍光牧師 Rev. Prof. LO Lung Kwong |
2:30pm-5:15pm | CCT G01 | C & E |
THEO5210 |
希伯來聖經選讀: 申命記式文學 (由於天氣關係,課堂將於10月28日繼續開放予體驗周參加者) |
王珏女士 Ms. WONG Kwok, Sonia |
7:00pm-9:15pm | WMY 502 |
C & E |
THEO5930 |
公共神學 (與朱大成博士共同教授) (由於天氣關係,課堂將於10月28日繼續開放予體驗周參加者) |
龔立人教授 (與朱大成博士共同教授) Prof. KUNG Lap Yan and Dr. Nick Chu |
7:00pm-9:15pm | CKB LT3 | C & E |
課堂時間表 (Class Schedule) - 22/10 星期六 (Saturday) | |||||
課程編號 Code | 科目名稱 Course Title | 講師 Teacher | 時間 Time | 上課地點 Venue |
授課語言 Medium of language |
THEO5221 |
改革開放時期的中國基督教 原定10月22日的課堂取消,改為10月29日進行 |
邢福增教授 Prof. YING Fuk Tsang |
9:30am-12:15pm | ELB 405 |
C |
*Abbreviations of medium of language: C - Cantonese, E - English, P - Putonghua
課程大綱 Course Outlines
Please go to here for course outlines.
建築物簡稱 Building Abbreviations:
AIT - An Integrated Teaching Building 綜合教學大樓
CCT - Theology Building 神學樓
CKB - Chen Kou Bun Building 陳國本樓
CYT - Cheng Yu Tung Building 鄭裕彤樓
ELB - Esther Lee Building 利黃瑤壁樓
FYB - Wong Foo Yuan Building 王福元樓
HTB - Ho Tim Building 何添樓
HYS - Hui Yeung Shing Building 許讓成樓
LKC - Li Koon Chun Hall, Sino Building 李冠春堂(信和樓)
SB - Sino Building 信和樓
SWH - Swire Hall, Fung King Hey Building 太古堂(馮景禧樓)
WMY - Wu Ho Man Yuen Building 伍何曼原樓
YCT - President Chi-tung Yung Memorial Building 容啟東校長紀念樓
YIA - Yasumoto International Academic Park 康本國際學術園