Please submit your donation on or before 25 March if you wish to claim the deduction of charitable donation in this taxation year.
The theme of this year’s events is “CLSS”:
Chung Chi Spirit
Longing for God’s words
Support the Chung Chi Theological Education Fund (CCTEF)
Serve God by doing justice and loving mercy
*Chung Chi Spirit: Devotion in Theological Education; Nurturing New Generations; Meeting Challenges of an Epoch
Fundraising Objective
In response to the needs of churches and the next generation of scholarships, DSCCC is preparing to expand our teaching teams. The Chung Chi Theological Education Fund (CCTEF) has been set up for the recruitment of teaching staff. So it comes this year Walkathon “Chung Chi Challenge” which the raised funds are all donated into the Chung Chi Theological Education Fund.
Fundraising Target
The 4-years fundraising goal is HK$6 million, blessed by God’s grace and supported by brothers and sisters, more than HK$4.5 million had been raised in the past 3 years, the goal for this year is HK$1.5 million.
1. CLSS Online Fundraising Show *
Date: 13 March 2022 (Sunday) 8:00 to 10:00pm (Live streaming)
* Updated on 4 Feb 2022: In view of the latest epidemic control measures of the government and university, the "Walkathon and Carnival" is changed to "CLSS Online Fundraising Show".
2. CLSS Self-initiated Challenge
The challenge items included: “Praxis, Bible, History and Theology”, which are elements in theological education.
Online Application before 11 Feb 2022 Online Registration for CLSS Self-initiated Challenge
Challenge Process/Result(s) Submission before 25 Feb 2022
The committee will contact you and follow up, and the challenge results will be displayed on the Walkathon’s social media (Facebook and/or Instagram) and/or Online Fundraising Show.
Adhering to the tradition of walkathon, we hope that all alumni, brothers and sisters, who can't join us on 13 March or living oversea, can participate. We hope to show Chung Chi's persistence on the service of theological education in Hong Kong. Design and record your own track. | Showing Chung Chi's emphasis on scriptures, participants can choose chapters and verses in Gospel of John for writing or making art pieces according to the selected verses (e.g. calligraphy, ink brush, paintings, crafting). |
Emphasizing the significance of historical studies, participants could share stories on the theme "Theological Education" with a video or a slide show. | Reflecting the spirit of freedom of theological thinking, we encourage participants to be creative with the theme of "Theological Education" (Please submit your proposal) |
How to Join?
- Please invite sponsors to support you in Walkathon And/Or completing your challenge. Download Sponsor Form
- CLSS Self-initiated Challenge: Please select challenge(s), then completeOnline Registration for CLSS Self-initiated Challenge online application before 11 Feb 2022. Please record the process with your choice of documentary methods (e.g. photos, videos, screen capture of your walking miles, etc.) and send to us before 25 Feb 2022. Participant can only join each challenge item once. If you join the challenge in form of a group, only the team leader needs to submit the application form.
- Regardless of whether you choose to participate in Walkathon or CLSS Self-initiated Challenge, one or more fundraising activities, the individual is the fundraising unit. Participants must complete the sponsorship form, submit it by mail or visit the School's general office on or before 11 March, or submit the form and payment on the Walkathon Day.
Payment Method
Please collect the donations from your sponsors and submit the donations together with Download Sponsor Form to Divinity School by ONE of the following methods:
Cheque: | Please make cheques payable to "The Trustees of Chung Chi College" and write "2022 Walkathon" on the back of the cheque, then post the cheque with the sponsorship form to Divinity School of Chung Chi College. |
Bank or Automated Teller Machine (ATM): | Please transfer your donations to the bank account of The Trustees of Chung Chi College (Hang Seng Bank, Account number: 283-174001-001) then post the original copy of your bank slip together with the sponsor form to the Divinity School of Chung Chi College |
Online Bank Transfer: | Please collect all donations and transfer to the bank account of The Trustees of Chung Chi College at once (Hang Seng Bank, Account number: 283-174001-001) then email the transfer record (save the file in PDF or screenshot of the completed page, which clearly shows the bank account number, amount, date and time) to events@theology.cuhk.edu.hk. |
Mailing address: |
c/o: Walkathon, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong |
Oversea participant: | If you cannot submit the donations through cash, cheques, or online bank transfer, please email events@theology.cuhk.edu.hk to contact us for the submission arrangement. |
Tel: (852) 3943 6708
Email: events@theology.cuhk.edu.hk (Inquiries)/ dscccwalkathon2022@gmail.com (CLSS Self-initiated Challenge)
Please follow our social media for the most updated information (context in Chinese only):