Study Mode: Part-time | Admissions: Applications is open throughout the year |
QR Registration No.: 18/000010/L3 | Study Period: 2 years |
Validity Period: 04/01/2018 - On-going | QF Level: 3 |
Medium of Instruction: Chinese supplemented by English | Contact Hours: Minimum 200 contact hours with at least 80 contact hours of core course(s) are required. |
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Open for Enrollment (2024-2025) | |
Enquiry: 39436711 (Tel.) or (Email) |
Programme Information and Application Forms
Online Application Form Course Outline Application Form for Audit Students
Programme Objectives
- Equipping students with the biblical studies and theological framework which is applicable in their daily life and life mission.
- Providing biblical and theological reflections for practitioners in various workplaces.
- Preparing the basic knowledge and thinking skills for students preparing to have full-time theological training in the future.
Entry Requirements
Form 5 Level (before 2012) or New Senior Secondary 6 Level (since 2012) or any equivalent qualifications (e.g. The International Baccalaureate or General Certificate of Secondary Education).
Conferment of Award
A 'Diploma in Christian Thought and Practice' award would be isssued by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Monday / Wednesday, 7:00pm - 10:00pm
CCC Mongkok Church, 56 Bute Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong ;
Methodist City Space, 6/F, Millennium City Phase III, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong or
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, HK.
Programme Structure
1. Students are required to pass modules with a minimum no. of 200 contact hours;
2. Students are requred to take at least 80 contact hours of core courses;
3. There are total 3 areas of study, including Biblical Studies, Christian Education and Social Participation.
Courses | Contact hours |
i. Core Courses | 80 |
ii. Elective Courses | 120 |
Total | 200 |
Study Period
Minimum Study Period: 24 months Maximum Study Period: 48 months
Graduation Requirement
Students are required to
1. have an overall attendance rate of 70% or above;
2. pass modules with a minimum no. of 200 contact hours;
3. take at least 80 contact hours equivalent to at least 24 QF credits of core courses;
4. achieve an overall grade with grade D (50%) or above.
1. Flexibility
4-year maximum study period allowing students to have high flexibility to finish their study.
2. Professional Teaching Team
Teachers are mainly professors of Divinity School of Chung Chi College and Professionals in various disciplines (Most of our teachers have Doctorate Degree).
3. Knowledge, Life and Growth Balance
Our programme emphasizes both biblical and theological knowledge and spiritual growth and life formation.
4. Continuing Education Fund (CEF) Reimbursable Courses
Eligible applicants who have successfully completed our courses could claim a maximum subsidy of HK$14,000 (Diploma) or HK$9,560 (Certificate). (Students who enroll the course after Aug, 2022 could claim a maximum subsidy of HK$19,300 (Diploma) or HK$100,60 (Certificate).
Remark: Courses combination in each academic year will be different depending on curriculum planning and number of students. For details, please find the course offering and timetable posted in this webpage for reference. Divnity School of Chung Chi College's decision shall be final and conclusive.
Core Courses
Course Title | Number of Contact hours |
基督教研究之方法與範式 Methods and Paradigms of Christian Studies | 30 |
基督教基本研究方法 Approaches to Christian Studies | 20 |
在地教會觀 Ecclesiology in Contexts | 20 |
體驗學習與生命重整 Experiential Learning and Life Transformation | 10 |
Area of Study: Biblical Studies (Could be counted as Core Courses)
Course Title | Number of Contact hours |
新約聖經導論 Introduction to the New Testament | 20 |
希伯來聖經導論 Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures | 20 |
聖經研究概論 Introduction to Biblical Studies | 30 |
聖經與現代處境 Bible and Modern Contexts | 30 |
聖經詮釋學 Biblical Interpretation | 30 |
新約選讀 Selected Reading of New Testament | 30 |
舊約選讀 Selected Reading of Old Testament | 30 |
聖經神學 Biblical Theology | 30 |
聖經研究專題研討 Special Topic on Biblical Studies | 30 |
Elective Courses
Area of Study: Christian Education
Course Title | Number of Contact hours |
全人發展與基督教教育 Holistic Development and Christian Education | 20 |
基督教教育與學習差異 Facing Diversity in Christian Education | 20 |
應用基督教教育倫理 Applied Ethics in Christian Education | 20 |
教育領導 Educational Leadership | 20 |
Area of Study: Social Participation
Course Title | Number of Contact hours |
教會社關創新 Church Charity Innovation | 30 |
社會參與及信仰實踐 Theological Practice in Social Participation | 30 |
社會參與及詮釋 Social Participation and Hermeneutics | 30 |
私產公益 Private Possession for the Public Good | 30 |
Application Procedures
1. Please complete the online application form and upload the copies of supporting documents including Hong Kong Smart Identity Card, Passport Photo, academic certificate(s)/diploma(s) and related file of application fee payment. A reminder will be sent to the applicant by email after the online application form has been submitted successfully.
2. Payment methods are as follows:
(I) Cheque or bank draft
(i) Sending cheque or bank draft by mail
A crossed cheque or bank draft should be made payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” and returned to our School by post. Post-dated cheque is not accepted. Please write the applicant’s name, phone no. and course code on the back of the cheque.
(ii) e-cheque
An e-cheque should be made payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong”. Please upload the pdf file of the e-cheque to the online application form.
(II) Direct Bank-in
(i) Bank Counter/ ATM
Payment can be made at Hang Seng Bank counter or any ATM of HSBC/ Hang Seng Bank. After the payment is made, a softcopy of your payment slip should be uploaded to the online application form. For the hardcopy, please write the applicant’s name, phone no. and course code on the back of the slip and it should be returned to our School by post for the proof of payment.
(ii) Internet Banking
If you are an Internet banking user of Hang Seng Bank in Hong Kong, you can make the payment online. During making a transfer through the internet, please add a remark with your English name and the words “DCTP App Fee” for your transaction (e.g. CHAN TAI MAN DCTP App Fee). A receipt (either a scan, a photo or a PDF) or a screenshot from your online bank, clearly showing the transaction date, time, payment amount and reference no., should be uploaded to the online application form for the proof of payment. For internet banking user of other banks, handling fee may be charged to the Payer. Please note that the handling fee is not refundable and our School will not issue any receipt for this fee.
The address of our School:
Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, HK.
Please also mark “Application for Diploma Programme” on the envelope.
Account information:
Name of Bank: Hang Seng Bank Limited
Account No.: 293-005005-001
Account Name: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
3. Your application will then be processed after receipt of completed application form and the cheque for the application fee or related payment record. A confirmation email will also be sent to the applicant for acknowledgement of the application.
4. Any additional information/ copy of supporting documents required will be requested on an individual basis through email/ phone call. Our school reserves the right to verify the original documents if necessary.
5. Successful applicants will receive individual notifications. Unsuccessful application and those on waiting list will also be notified.
6. A debit note and other related information will be sent to successful applicants. To completing the application procedures, students are required to pay the tuition fee and submit the required documents according to the instructions provided.
Application Fee
HK$100 (non-refundable)
Tuition Fee
HK$140 per contact hour
(HK$28,000 for the whole programme, 1st Instalment: HK$12,600; 2nd Instalment: HK$15,400)
Auditing Students
Guidelines for Auditing Students
1. Auditing students participate in class are not required to complete written assignments or exams and there will be no requirement in attendance for them.
2. Audit courses carry no academic credit and could not be applied for course exemption in future.
Application Details
Audit Fee: The audit fee is depending on the no. of contact hours of the course. The fee will be HK$70 an hour (Students must apply for an entire course.)
Deadline: 3 working days before the commencement of the course or DSCCC will stop accepting applications if applications are oversubscribed.
Application procedure
Step 1: Applicants are required to complete the online application form.
Step 2: Audit fee can be paid by crossed cheque made payable to "The Chinese University of Hong Kong". Please specify the course title for application and applicant's name. Applicants may mail the cheque to our school, our address is
Kairos Academy for Theology and Life Formation
Divinity School of Chung Chi College
CUHK, Shatin, HK.
Step 3: A confirmation email with details will be sent to applicants within 3 working days after receiving the cheque.
Audit Application Form
Continuing Education Fund (CEF)
This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under Continuing Education Fund. This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level [3]).
Institution: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Institution Code: 002
CEF Couse Code: 37L12361-8
CEF Course Title: Diploma in Christian Thought and Practice
For details, please refer to the CEF official website: