New Wine: God Acts for People's Needs!
2025-01-19 | John 2:1-11

Rev. Aye Nwe (′07 MTheol, ′17 Dtheol)
  • Associate Professor of Myanmar Institute of Theology

John 2:1-11 is about Jesus’ first miracle in the Gospel of John. This miracle indicates Jesus’ concern for the people’s needs. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the one who first knows the needs of the people. She informs Jesus, as she believes that Jesus could do something to help. She is a good hospitality leader who manages feasts for guests. If wine could not be provided for the guests, the wedding would be in a disgraceful situation. Both Jesus and his mother Mary notice the empty jars. They fulfill the need for the wedding to sustain dignity. Mary wisely understands what it means when Jesus says to her, “Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come.” Jesus reveals his true identity as God, who will act in time. Jesus’ turning of water into wine is not merely about the miracle of God; it describes God's deep concern for the needs of the people. As the new wine is better than the old one, it shows that what God gives is the best thing for the people.

Jesus’ miracle of new wine thus reveals to us that God acts for the people’s needs, and with the presence of God in our lives, we will be fulfilled. God can turn our emptiness into new fulfillment and new blessings. Likewise, good hospitality and service will bring dignity, blessing, and miracles for people.