![]() | 德詩婷 |
Director, Resource Centre for Contemporary Christian Studies, DSCCC |
研究興趣 |
- Moltmann in China: Reception and Dialogue (Routledge, forthcoming in March 2025)
- 《靈基壹築:見證百年香港社區故事》。香港:一八四一,2024。(林皓賢、霍揚揚、德詩婷合著)
- Studying Christianity in China: Constructions of an Emerging Discourse (Brill, 2018)
- “New Political Theology in Beijing: Jürgen Moltmann’s Dialogue with Chinese Humanists,” Exchange 53 (2024) 204–232. doi:10.1163/1572543X-bja10077
- “Relating to the Whole Community in Akan and East Asian Ancestral Traditions,” Filosofia Theoretica Volume 11, Issue 1 (January/April 2022) 159-171. https://www.pdcnet.org/ft/content/ft_2022_0011_0001_0159_0171
- “Zha Changping's History of Ideas in Pioneering Contemporary Chinese Art: An Introduction,” Contemporary Chinese Thought Volume 51, Issue 1, 2020.
- “A New Generation of Sino-Christian Scholars: Shifting Concerns among Researchers of Christianity,” International Journal of Asian Christianity Volume 2 (2019): Issue 1 (Mar 2019).
- “Reading Religion in China Today: Interviews with Chinese Christianity Researchers,” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 4 (2017) 5-31
- “Negotiating Tolerance: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Researching Religion in China,” Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture, Vol XXI. No 1. (April 2017) 113-61
Jason Lam and Naomi Thurston, editors. Moltmann and China. Edited by (2023).
- “Scholar, Critic, Scribe: Zha Changping 查常平’s Humanist Criticism,” in Modern Chinese Theologies III (Academic and Diasporic), edited by Chloë Starr. (Fortress Press, 2024).
- “Imported insider/outsider boundaries: the case of contemporary Chinese Christianity researchers,” in: The Insider/Outsider Debate: New Perspectives in the Study of Religion, edited by George D. Chryssides and Stephen E. Gregg (Equinox, 2019).
- Zha Changping, “Experiment of the World-Picture Logic Philosophy: Towards a Relational Theology,” translated by Doris Yu and Naomi Thurston. Journal of Chinese Theology (2023): 1-13.
- With Wang Wenqian: Translation of Zha Changping 查常平. "Translation and Theology: The Lord’s Prayer in Three Chinese Versions." International Bulletin of Missionary Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/23969393221106182, first published online: 23 Sept. 2022.
- Translation of Zha Changping 查常平. “The Great Commission: The Greek Text and Its Translations.” In Yearbook of Chinese Theology, Vol. 7, edited by Paulos Z. Huang. Leiden: Brill, 2021, pp. 195–204.
- Andrew Chai, Seeking Truth Beyond Facts 2 (Logos and Pneuma Press, 2018)
- “You Bin 游斌, Meditations on the Birth of Christ: Reflections for Advent in the Context of Chinese Culture,” Ching Feng, n.s., 21: 1–8 (pre-print version) Accepted December 20, 2022; Published online December 28, 2022. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lwriuX_cTYBszzAgbqYwG5iUzM3anKu3/view
- “Li Ma, Religious Entrepreneurism in China’s Urban House Churches: The Rise and Fall of Early Rain Reformed Presbyterian Church” International Bulletin of Mission Research. 45 (4) (October 2021) 431-432 https://doi.org/10.1177/2396939320968002 Volume 45 Issue 4, October 2021
- “Hong Liang 洪亮, Leben vor den letzten Dingen: Die Dostojewski-Rezeption im frühen Werk von Karl Barth und Eduard Thurneysen (1915-1923)” Christianity & Literature 68 (1) 159-165
- “Alexander Chow, Chinese Public Theology: Generational Shifts and Confucian Imagination in Chinese Christianity” International Journal of Asian Christianity 1 (2018) 350-352
- “Liu Xiaofeng 刘小枫 (and Leopold Leeb, trans.), A Collection of Essays by Liu Xiaofeng” Quest: Studies on Religion & Culture in Asia 1 (2016) 113-116
- Naomi Thurston, "Faculty Development Programs [in theology] in Hong Kong & Taiwan: Context, Opportunities, Outlook," Report of FTESEA Consultations on Faculty Development and Formation: September 2022, Manila, Wilson, H. S. and Wati Longchar, eds. Kolkata: FTESEA, 2023, pp. 74-92.
- With Lim Eugen. Translation of Wang Xieda and Liu Chuyu (王燮达、刘楚筠). 方舟计划 The Ark Project. Amanyangyun International Community (养云安缦国际社区). 2022.
- ‘The Psalmist’s Lament and Contemporary Chinese Hymnody,’ Divinity School Newsletter Vol 27, 2022. (URL: https://www.theology.cuhk.edu.hk/en/publication/newsletter/issue27/article)
- 〈橫跨時區的教學:網課與莫特曼〉,《神學院通訊》,68(2021)。(網址:https://www.theology.cuhk.edu.hk/tc/publication/newsletter/issue68/article)