BA, MA (University of Alabama); PhD (University of Wales Trinity Saint David)

电话: (852) 3943 1369
电邮: naomielainethurston@cuhk.edu.hk

Director, Resource Centre for Contemporary Christian Studies, DSCCC
  1. Sino-Christian Theology
  2. Sino-Christian Studies
  3. Contemporary Chinese Christianity
  1. Moltmann in China: Reception and Dialogue (Routledge, forthcoming in March 2025)
  2. 《灵基壹筑:见证百年香港社区故事》。香港:一八四一,2024。(林皓贤、霍扬扬、德诗婷合著)
  3. Studying Christianity in China: Constructions of an Emerging Discourse (Brill, 2018)
  1. “New Political Theology in Beijing: Jürgen Moltmann’s Dialogue with Chinese Humanists,” Exchange 53 (2024) 204–232. doi:10.1163/1572543X-bja10077
  2. “Relating to the Whole Community in Akan and East Asian Ancestral Traditions,” Filosofia Theoretica Volume 11, Issue 1 (January/April 2022) 159-171. https://www.pdcnet.org/ft/content/ft_2022_0011_0001_0159_0171
  3. “Zha Changping's History of Ideas in Pioneering Contemporary Chinese Art: An Introduction,” Contemporary Chinese Thought Volume 51, Issue 1, 2020.
  4. “A New Generation of Sino-Christian Scholars: Shifting Concerns among Researchers of Christianity,” International Journal of Asian Christianity Volume 2 (2019): Issue 1 (Mar 2019).
  5. “Reading Religion in China Today: Interviews with Chinese Christianity Researchers,” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 4 (2017) 5-31
  6. “Negotiating Tolerance: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Researching Religion in China,” Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture, Vol XXI. No 1. (April 2017) 113-61

Jason Lam and Naomi Thurston, editors. Moltmann and China. Edited by (2023).

  1. “Scholar, Critic, Scribe: Zha Changping 查常平’s Humanist Criticism,” in Modern Chinese Theologies III (Academic and Diasporic), edited by Chloë Starr. (Fortress Press, 2024).
  2. “Imported insider/outsider boundaries: the case of contemporary Chinese Christianity researchers,” in: The Insider/Outsider Debate: New Perspectives in the Study of Religion, edited by George D. Chryssides and Stephen E. Gregg (Equinox, 2019).
  1. Zha Changping, “Experiment of the World-Picture Logic Philosophy: Towards a Relational Theology,” translated by Doris Yu and Naomi Thurston. Journal of Chinese Theology (2023): 1-13.
  2. With Wang Wenqian: Translation of Zha Changping 查常平. "Translation and Theology: The Lord’s Prayer in Three Chinese Versions." International Bulletin of Missionary Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/23969393221106182, first published online: 23 Sept. 2022.
  3. Translation of Zha Changping 查常平. “The Great Commission: The Greek Text and Its Translations.” In Yearbook of Chinese Theology, Vol. 7, edited by Paulos Z. Huang. Leiden: Brill, 2021, pp. 195–204.
  4. Andrew Chai, Seeking Truth Beyond Facts 2 (Logos and Pneuma Press, 2018)
  1. “You Bin 游斌, Meditations on the Birth of Christ: Reflections for Advent in the Context of Chinese Culture,” Ching Feng, n.s., 21: 1–8 (pre-print version) Accepted December 20, 2022; Published online December 28, 2022. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lwriuX_cTYBszzAgbqYwG5iUzM3anKu3/view“Li Ma, Religious Entrepreneurism in China’s Urban House Churches: The Rise and Fall of Early Rain Reformed Presbyterian ChurchInternational Bulletin of Mission Research. 45 (4) (October 2021) 431-432 https://doi.org/10.1177/2396939320968002 Volume 45 Issue 4, October 2021
  2. “Hong Liang 洪亮, Leben vor den letzten Dingen: Die Dostojewski-Rezeption im frühen Werk von Karl Barth und Eduard Thurneysen (1915-1923)Christianity & Literature 68 (1) 159-165
  3. “Alexander Chow, Chinese Public Theology: Generational Shifts and Confucian Imagination in Chinese ChristianityInternational Journal of Asian Christianity 1 (2018) 350-352
  4. “Liu Xiaofeng 刘小枫 (and Leopold Leeb, trans.), A Collection of Essays by Liu XiaofengQuest: Studies on Religion & Culture in Asia 1 (2016) 113-116
  1. Naomi Thurston, "Faculty Development Programs [in theology] in Hong Kong & Taiwan: Context, Opportunities, Outlook," Report of FTESEA Consultations on Faculty Development and Formation: September 2022, Manila, Wilson, H. S. and Wati Longchar, eds. Kolkata: FTESEA, 2023, pp. 74-92.
  2. With Lim Eugen. Translation of Wang Xieda and Liu Chuyu (王燮达、刘楚筠). 方舟计划 The Ark Project. Amanyangyun International Community (养云安缦国际社区). 2022.
  3. ‘The Psalmist’s Lament and Contemporary Chinese Hymnody,’ Divinity School Newsletter Vol 27, 2022. (URL: https://www.theology.cuhk.edu.hk/en/publication/newsletter/issue27/article)
  4. 〈横跨时区的教学:网课与莫特曼〉,《神学院通讯》,68(2021)。(网址:https://www.theology.cuhk.edu.hk/sc/publication/newsletter/issue68/article