BSc in Computer Science (University of Hong Kong); MDiv, MTh (Alliance Bible Seminary); DrTheol (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

電話: (852) 39435979
電郵: coltenyam@cuhk.edu.hk


Director, Centre for Christian Studies, CUHK
  1. Augustine and the Latin tradition
  2. Basil of Caesarea and the Cappadocian Fathers
  3. Philo of Alexandria
  4. Trinitarian theology in Ancient Church
  5. Natural science in Late Antiquity
  6. Neoplatonism, Gnosticism and Manichaeism
  1. Exemplary Teaching Award in Service-Learning 2023-24, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  2. Award for the Best Teacher, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong (3 consecutive years: 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22)
  1. RGC GRF Grant “Natural Science in Early Christianity. A Case Study of Basil of Caesarea” (2024-2025; Proj. code: 14605023)
  2. RGC ECS Grant “Contextualizing De spiritu et littera: Analysis, Commentary and Latin-Chinese Bilingual Edition” (2021-2024; Proj. code: 24620421)  (with an additional amount HKD 50,000 for undertaking educational activities)
  3. CUHK Direct Grant “Sickness and Spirituality in Early Christianity: A Case Study via Basil of Caesarea” (2021-2022; Proj. code: 4051173)
  4. CUHK Teaching Grant TDLEG 2019-22 triennium “Developing Pronunciation and Mnemonic Techniques in Ancient Greek Learning” (2021-22; Proj. code: 4170915).

2019a. “Trinity and Grace in Augustine: An Analysis of De trinitate 8-10 in Light of De spiritu et littera”. Augustinus. Werk und Wirkung Band 10 (Schöningh / Brill, 2019), XXXII + 731 pages, ISBN: 978-3-506-70409-2.

Reviewed by Giulio Malavasi in Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 96(2020), 750-752; Adam Trettel in Revue d’Histoire ecclésiastique (2020): 778-80; Matthias Smalbrugge in Augustiniana 71/2 (2021): 532-40

  1. 2024a. “Theological Anthropology in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (West).” The Oxford Handbook of Theological Anthropology, ed. Jens Zimmermann, Ashley Moyse, Michael Burdett. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. 2024b. <巴西爾與古代晚期對動物理性的討論>。劉曼婷譯。《倫理學術》16,頁151–161。
  3. 2024c. “Basil’s Interpretation of Anger in Light of Greco-Roman Philosophy.” in Leiden Scrinium 20 (2024): 22–37, (Leiden: Brill, November 2024).
  4. 2024d. “La intención de Agustín al pasar de ‘mens, notitia, amor’ a ‘memoria, intellegentia, voluntas’” (Augustine’s Intention in Proceeding from mens, notitia, amor to memoria, intellegentia, uoluntas), translated into Spanish by Henry Williamson, published in Madrid Augustinus 69, no. 2: 461–474, (Madrid: Institute of Augustinology of the Order of Augustinian Recollects).
  5. 2023. “Basil’s Use of Oppian in Homiliae in hexaemeron 7: His Source of Zoological Knowledge Reconsidered.” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 27/1: 147–172. (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023)
  6. 2022a. “Basil’s Knowledge of Astronomy.” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 26/1: 126–144. (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022)
  7. 2022b. “Philo’s Knowledge of Medicine in His Later Roman Writings.” Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 27 (Jerusalem, Israel: Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies): 31–54 [In Hebrew, Translation by Nathanael Gerloff].
  8. 2022c. “Philo’s Knowledge of Physicians and Medicine in His Later Roman Writings.” Studia Philonica Annual 34 (Atlanta: SBL Press): 93–112.
  9. 2021a. “Basil on the Souls.” Studia Patristica (Leuven: Peeters), 283–94.
  10. 2020. “Marius Victorinus’ Influence on Augustine’s Trinitarian Theology.” International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 19: 124–40. Helsinki, Finland: Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies.
  11. 2019b. 任卓賢。<地上之城與上帝之城:奧古斯丁上帝之城的歷史觀>。郭清容編。《辨識歷史 – 時機・終末・神學家》,頁29–58。香港:德慧文化。
  12. 2017. “Augustine’s Intention in proceeding from mens, notitia, amor to memoria, intellegentia, uoluntas.” Studia Patristica 75 (Leuven: Peeters), 327–340.
  13. 2014 (with Anthony Dupont) “Enfoque de la imago Dei centrado en la mente. Una construcción dinámica en De Trinitate 14.” Augustinus: revista trimestral publicada por los Padres Agustinos Recoletos 59 (2014): 219–254 [Translation of item 11].
  14. 2012a (with Anthony Dupont) “The Role of Imago Dei in Augustine’s Speaking of Trinity. A Study of the Neglected Book XV of De Trinitate.” La Ciudad de Dios. Revista Agustiniana 225/2 (2012): 325–59.
  15. 2012b (with Anthony Dupont). “A Mind-Centered Approach of Imago Dei. A Dynamic Construction in Augustine’s De Trinitate XIV.” Augustiniana 62/3–4: 7–43.
  16. 2011. “The Dynamism of Imago Dei in Augustine’s Anthropology and Trinity: A Study on De Trinitate XIV – XV.” Jiao Dao 36: 72–129.
  1. 2021b. “Review of Augustinus – Christentum – Judentum: Ausgewählte Stationen einer Problemgeschichte, edited by C. Müeller and G. Förster. Echter (Cassiciacum, 39; Res et Signa, 13).” Revue d’Histoire ecclésiastique 116/3-4: 910-12.
  2. 2021c. “Review of Desires in Paradise: An Interpretative Study of Augustine's City of God 14, by Adam Michael Trettel.” Augustiniana 71/3-4: 507-10.
  3. 2017. “Rezension zu: Karsten Junk, Der menschliche Geist und sein Gottesverhältnis bei Augustinus und Meister Eckhart.” Augustiniana 67: 319-325.
  4. 2016. “Review of Augustine’s Early Theology of Image, by Gerard Boersma.” Augustiniana 66: 253-57.
  5. 2015 (with Anthony Dupont). “Review of Image, Identity, and the Forming of the Augustinian Soul, by Matthew Drever.” Review of Biblical Literature [http://www.bookreviews.org] (2015).
  1. <教父眼中的動物靈性>,神學院通訊 74 (2022),頁1-3。(“Church Fathers on animal’s spirituality” Divinity School Newsletter 65, November 2022, 1–3) [In Chinese]
  2. <教父學與當代思潮>,神學院通訊 65 (2020),頁1-3。(“Patristics and the Contemporary thoughts” Divinity School Newsletter 65, August 2020, 1–3) [In Chinese]
  3. <離棄的真義>,聖經報 53 (2015),頁12–15。(“The Meaning of Abandonment” Bible Magazine, March 2015, 12–15) [In Chinese]