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Dean, Institute for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures and Theologies (IASACT) ATESEA Representative |
研究兴趣 |
- Spiritual Desires and Embodied Spirituality: A Study of Yoga Fever in China
- Resistance, Justice and Peace in World Christianity
- Religion and Memory
- Christian Ethics and Qualitative Research
- 《在暗角言说上主》。香港:香港基督徒学会,2016。
- 《同性恋十字架:伦理学者的对话与交锋》。香港:香港基督徒学会与印象文字,2013。(与罗秉祥合著)
- 《生命本源与朝圣之旅:闲步探索生命教育》。香港:基督教文艺,2013。
- “The Great Wall and Eggs: A Hong Kongers’ Social-Spiritual Movement in the Post-National Security Law Era.” In: Tear Down These Walls, Mitri Raheb and Miguel de la Torre eds. Maryknoll: Orbis. (forthcoming)
- “A Politics of Re-existence: Christianity and Social Protest in Hong Kong.” In: Political Theology in Chinese Societies, Joshua Mauldin eds. New York: Routledge. (forthcoming)
- “Wetlands as an Ecumenical-Theological Metaphor for a Geopolitical Imaginary in East Asia.” Theology News, 28 (2023).
- “Ontological (In) Security and the Dark Night of the Soul: Political Prisoners’ Sense-Breaking.” Asia Journal of Theology, 37:1 (2023), 94-120.
- “Zum Schweigen gezwungen Hongkong: Kirchen leben, Spiritualität des Übergangs.” In: Wutgebete und Mutgeschichten. Hamburg: Missionshilfe Verlag, 2023. Pp. 90-95.
- “Salvation as to Celebrate Life Through Initiating a Liberating Course of Karma: Experiences of the Visually Impaired and the Blind.” Journal of Disability and Religion, Jan 31, 2023 (online).
- “Christian Ethics, Experience and Qualitative Research.” In: Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research, Pete Ward and Knut Tveitereid eds. Oxford: Blackwell, 2022. Pp. 175-184.
- “Is God Our Sau2 Zuk1, Comrade or Friend, with Reference to the 2019 Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Movement and Fratelli Tutti?” Lumen: A Journal of Catholic Studies, 10 (2022), 33-57.
- “Christian Mission and Social Action.” Oxford Handbook of Mission Studies, Kirsteen Kim, Knud Jørgensen and Alison Fitchett Climenhaga eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. 274-292.
- “Zhaohun (Evocation) and the June Fourth Tiananmen Candlelight Vigil: A Ritual-Theological Hermeneutics.” In: Memory and Religion from a Post-Secular Perspective, Zuzanna Bogumil and Yuliya Yurchuk eds. London: Routledge, 2022. Pp.181-199.
- “A Paradox of Virtue and Vice.” Political Theology, 22 (2021): 22, 650-653.
- “Crucified People, Messianic Time and Youth in Protest.” In: Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology, Kwok, Pui Lan and Francis Ching Wah Yip eds. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2021. Pp.133-147.
- “Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement and an Emergence of a Community of Common Destiny: Churches’ Participation and Inquiry.” Interkulturelle Theologie, 46 (2020): 335-348.
- “A Story of Defending Human Dignity as a Right and Virtue, with Reference to the Cross Removal Incidents in China.” In Human Dignity, Human Rights and Social Justice, Zhibin Xie, Pauline Kollontai, and Sebastian Kim eds. Singapore: Springer, 2020. Pp.69-82.
- “Parent-Child and Center-Edge Metaphors; A Theological Engagement with the Social Imaginary of “One Country, Two Systems’”. Political Theology, 20 (2019): 5, 392-410.
- “Human Dignity as a Right and Virtue in Practice: A Socio-Theological Reflection from and on the Cross Removal Incident in China,” Religion, 2018, 9 (5), 138.
- “In Search of True-ness: Dialogue Between Political Localism and Theological Ecumenism in Post-Umbrella Movement.” International Journal of Public Theology, 11 (2017), 431-454.
- “Reclaiming the True Church of Jesus Christ: The Reformation, Luther and Ecumenicity.” In Revisiting the Reformation, Bruce Van Voorhis ed. Hong Kong, APCYMCAS, 2017, pp.1-16.
- “The Captivity of the Church: the Reformation, House Churches in China and Ecumenicity.” Asian Horizon, 11: 2 (2017), pp.340-356.
- “Post Umbrella Movement, Localism and Christians.” In: Religious Life and Public Space in Asia. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016, pp.89-98.
- “Umbrella Movement and Kairos: The Church's Theological Encounter with a Political Movement.” In Occupy Hong Kong: Theological Reflections on the Umbrella Movement, Justin Tse and Jonathan Tan ed. New York, Palgrave, 2016, pp.107-130.
- “Leisure: Work, Freedom and Spirituality.” In Urban Christian Spirituality – East Asian and Nordic Perspectives, Knut Alfsvag and Thor Strandenæs ed. New York, Peter Lang, 2015, pp.127-142.
- “Occupy Central, Umbrella Movement and Democracy”, Syndicate: A New Forum for Theology, 1:4 (2014), pp.80-86.
- “Conspiracy, Trust and Healthy Scepticism.” In Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation, Robert Schreiter and Knud Jorgensen eds. Oxford, Regnum, 2013, pp.309-318.
- “Life Education as a Paradigm for Quality in Education.” ICERI 2013 Proceedings, 6484-6488.
- 〈倡导复和计划:对香港反逃犯引渡条例的抗争之神学反思〉。《华神期刊》,11(2020):103-121。
- 〈一个神学弥赛亚与反「逃犯引渡条例」抗争的相互阅读〉。《思想》,40(2020),163-184。
- 〈基督教伦理与同性性行为〉。载郑仰恩、曾宗盛编:《我们何惧之有?》。台北;台湾好世协会,2020。页121-154。
- 〈上主国、香港与中国:从耶稣与彼拉多的相遇思考政权〉,张慧嫈编:《戍守云开:占领运动后教会十堂课》。香港;德慧文化,2018。页245-264。
- 〈阈限.灵性与社会运动:雨伞运动过案〉王家辉编:《处境中的灵性操练》。香港:香港中文大学崇基学院神学院,2018。页8-20。
- 〈受害者可以选择以暴制暴吗?─对萨尔瓦多人民危险回忆的神学反省〉,邓邵光编:《暴力就是命运?非暴力十二问》。香港:印象文字,2017。页180-213。
- 〈历史的哲学与历史的上主:一九四八至六八年的捷克教会〉,张慧嫈编:《抵抗与顺从?全权统治下的教会》。香港:德慧文化,2015。页323-350。
- 〈族群的图腾与人民的上主:种族隔离在非洲〉,张慧嫈编:《抵抗与顺从?全权统治下的教会》。香港:德慧文化,2015。页289-322。
- 〈社会撕裂、复和和/或张力:「雨伞运动」后的香港神学政治想像〉,林荣树编:《政治生态转型下的牧养》。香港:香港中文大学崇基学院神学院,2015。页55-80。
- 〈时机还是灾祸:对雨伞运动的神学诠释〉,庄德信编:《太阳花运动之公共神学论文集》。台北,本土神学研究室,2015。页73-90。
- 〈政治对话与神学:从雨伞运动说起〉,邓绍光编:《和平知识论》。香港:印象文字,2015。页184-223。
- 〈解放神学—殖民与后殖民、拉美与香港〉,陈家富编:《当神学家遇上政治—有关政治参与的十堂课》。香港:德慧文化,2014。页102-125。
- 〈转变中的边缘身分:中国互换政治与宗教〉,彭丽君编:《边城对话》。香港:香港中文大学,2013。页175-204。