
Honorary Senior Research Fellows

Ronald Yam-Kwan FUNG
BA (HKU); BD (London); ALBC (London Bible College); ThM (Fuller Theol. Sem.); PhD (Manchester)
New Testament
LO Lung Kwong
BSc (NCHU); MDiv (CUHK); PhD (Durham)
Pastoral Theology, History and Cultures of New Testament Era, Pauline Letters, New Testament Interpretation
Milton Wai-Yiu WAN
BSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK); MCS (CGST); DPhil (Oxford)
Chinese Culture and Christianity, Chinese Philosophy, Spirituality
YING Fuk Tsang
BA, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
History of Christianity in China and Hong Kong

Honorary Research Fellows

Peter T.M. NG
BA, DipEd, MDiv (CUHK); MA, PhD (Lond.)
Michael N.C. POON
BSc, MSc (Br. Col.); MDiv (Tor.); PhD (Oxon)
Patristics, Christianity in Asia

Honorary Research Associates

BMC, MDiv (Silliman); MTh (Presbyterian Theol. College & Sem.); EdD (Union Theol. Sem. & Presbyterian Sch. of Christian Edu. College)
Christian Education
Eric K.M. AU
BA (Ill.); MDiv (McCormick Theol. Sem.); DTheol (Boston); IMAAR, IMAPA, MSBCS, MSSCR, MSCE, MSCP
Christianity and Chinese Culture; Ecological and Theology, Inter-religious Dialogue; Modern Christian Thought; Philosophical and Theological Hermeneutics; Philosophy and Theology of Religions
John Stewart BARWICK
BA (Chic.); MDiv (China Evangelical Sem.); PhD (Alta.)
Ellen X.Y. CAI
BA, PhD (Sun Yet-Sen)
Chinese Christianity History
Louis C.H. CHAN
MDiv, MTh, PhD (Alliance Bible Seminary)
History of Christianity in China and Hong Kong
CHAN Hak Ping
BSc (NCKU); MDiv (Baptist Theol. Sem.); MTh (ABGTS); MA, DMin (Fuller Theol. Sem.)
Christian Education
Keith K.F. CHAN
BA (HKBU); MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
Systematic Theology and Modern Theology
Natalie H.K. CHAN
Christian Faith and Depression
Andrea J. CHEN
Material Culture Studies, Material Cultures of the Eurasia
CHEN Wen San
BA (Soochow University); MPhil (National Chengchi University); PhD (National Central University)
Life Ethics, Analytic Philosophy, Christian Arts, Gender Studies, Business Ethics, Philosophy of Language, Disability Studies
Roger H.M. CHENG
BA, MA, MPhil (CUHK); PhD (University of London); BD (DSCCC)
Values Education, Christian Life Education, Practical Theology
Peter S.T. CHENG
BA (University of London); MDiv (Nashotah House Theol. Sem.); PGDip (Oxford); ThD (Grad. Theol. Found.); PhD (New Asia Inst. of Adv. Chi. Stu.)
CHEUNG Ming Yeung
BEng (CUHK); MSEE (Purdue); MA (CUHK); MA, MAS, PhD (KU Leuven)
Hermeneutics, Continental Philosophy of Religion, Contextual Theologies
Philip P.Y. CHIA
BSc (Saskatchewan, Canada); MDiv (CTS, Canada); STM (DTS, USA); PhD (Sheffield)
Prophetic Literature, Biblical Theology
Joshua W.T. CHO
MDiv (Baptist Theol. Sem.); STM (Yale Divinity School); PhD (Princeton Theol. Sem.)
Systematic Theology
CHOI Sik Ping
BTh (Alliance BIble Sem.); MAR (Canadian Theol. Sem.); MA (Jerusalem University College); ThD (SEAGST)
Hebrew Bible
HE Aixia
BA, MTh (Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, China); DTh (LTS)
History of Missionary Movement to China, Contextual Theological Education
HO Wing Hon
BA, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
Religious Education, Value Education
HU Hui Ping
BA (Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, China); MTh (Trinity Theological College, Singapore); PhD (Durham U)
Old Testament
HUANG Jianbo
BA, LLM, LLD (Minzu Univ. of China)
HUANG Jianxing

Paulos Z.Z. HUANG
PhD, BTh, MTh, ThD (Helsinki)
East Asian Studies, Systematic Theology
HUI Hoi Ming
BA (CUHK); BD (SEAGST); MPhil (Birmingham); DMin (Intl. Theol. Sem.); PhD (Birmingham)
Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, Pastoral Theology, Chinese Theology, Contemporary Chinese Church History Studies, Philosophy of Christian Life
KANG Namsoon
BTh, ThM (Methodist Theol. Sem.); MPhil, PhD (Drew)
World Christianity and Religions
KWOK Chi Pei
BPhil (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne); MPhil (University of Kent); PhD (University of Birmingham)
Christine Tin-Chi LAI
DBA (PolyU); DPTh (Anglia Ruskin University)
LAM Chi Yeung
BSocSc (OUHK); PCEd (HKU); DipTheol (Alliance Bible Sem.); MDiv (Baptist Theol. Sem.); MPhil (Birm.); PhD (NE)
Educational Psychology, Youth Counselling
LAU Tin Luk
Religious Education, Value Education
LEE Ling Hon
BA, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
Religion and Society, Christianity in China
LEE Sang Yun
BA (Hansei); MA, MDiv (APTS); MPhil, PhD (Birmingham)
Pentecostal Theology
LEE Siu Chau
BD, PhD (Aberdeen); ACIB
Religion and Politics
Joseph T.H. LEE
BA, MA, PhD (London)
Chinese Christianity
LEUNG Koon Ting
Chinese Christianity History
BA (Si Chuan); MPhil (Fu Dan); PhD (CUHK)
Biblical Literature
Otto H.H. LUI
BA (HKBU); MDiv (Lutheran Theol. Sem.); PhD (Fuller Theol. Sem.)
BA (ICU); MDiv (Tokyo Union Theol. Sem.); PhD (Kitakyushu)
History of Christianity in China, Inter-relational History of Sino-Japanese Christianity
Christian MEYER
Dipl Theol (Göttingen); PhD (Erlangen–Nürnberg)
Christianity in China; Religions in China in general; Religious Policies; Changing Terminology and Discourses on Religion in East Asia
Joseph S.K. MOK
BA (Toronto); CertBibleStud (Ontario Theol. Sem.); MDiv (Trinity Evangelical Div. Sch., USA); DMin (Fuller Theol. Sem., USA)
Pastoral Studies
NG Yip Lap
BA (Great Union Coll.); MLS (Hawaii); MA (HKU); MACS (CUHK)
Archival Studies
Samuel H.K. OOI
BA (National Chung Hsing); MDiv (Baptist Theol. Sem.); MTh (SEAGST); PhD (Edinburgh)
Systematic Theology
Jane S.C. TAM
BA (San Francisco State); MS (Oregon); MA (Trinity Evangelical Div. Sch.); PhD (HKU); DMin (Lutheran Theol.Sem.)
Christian Counseling and Spiritual Direction
TANG Sui Keung
TONG Wing Sze
BSocSc, MPhil (HKBU); MDiv, PhD (CUHK)
History of Christianity in Hong Kong and China
Daniel Y.S. TSE
DipTheol (China Bible Sem.); BD (SEAGST); DMin (Alliance Bible Sem.)
Christian Spirituality
WANG Aiming
BA (Nanjing Normal); MA (Nanjing); ThD (Basel); PhD (Neuchatel)
Marina X. WANG
MSc, PhD (Edinburgh)
History of Christianity in China, World Christianity Studies
WANG Xuesheng
BA (Central China Normal); MDiv, PhD (CUHK)
Synoptic Gospels, Historical Jesus
WANG Zhixi
LLB, LLM (Xiamen University); MACS, MATS, PhD (CUHK)
Chinese Christianity
Philip Lauri WICKERI
AB (Colgate); MDiv, PhD (Princeton Theol. Sem.); DD (Church Divinity School of the Pacific)
History of Christianity in China
Simon S.M. WONG
BA (Alberta); MA, MTh (Westminster Theol. Sem.); Dlitt (Pretoria)
Bible Translation
WU Chang Shing
BA (Soochow Univ. Taiwan); MDiv (Taiwan Bapt. Theol. Sem.); MTh (SEAGST); PhD (CUHK)
Religious Education, Chinese Christianity
WU Ning
BA (XinJiang Normal); MPhil, PhD (Jinan)
History of Christianity in China
WU Qing
LLB (Nanjing Normal); MA (Jinan); PhD (CUHK)
History of Christianity in China
WU Yixiong
BA (Anhui); MA (Fudan); PhD (Zhongshan)
History of Christianity in Guangdong Province, China
XIAO Qinghe

David G. XIE
BEng (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies); MDiv, PhD (CUHK)
Gospels Studies, Character Studies, Literary Theories and the New Testament, Early Christian Apocrypha
Iris C. XIE
BA (Wuhan University); MACS, MATS, PhD (CUHK)
Feminist Theology, Ecological Theology, New Religious Movements
XIE Zhibin
BA (Xiamen); MPhil (Peking); PhD (HKU)
Christian Philosophy and Ethics, Public Theology, Political Philosophy, Religion and China's Society (Ethical and Political Dimensions)
BA, MPhil (Renmin); MA, PhD (CUHK)
New Testament
YEE Tet Lim
BA (National Taiwan); MDiv (China Evangelical Sem.); ThM (Trinity Evangelical Div. Sch.); PhD (Durham)
New Testament
Caroline Celestine YIH
BPharm (Sydney); MDiv (Ming Hua); PhD (Aberdeen)
Practical Theology
MDiv (Baptist Theol. Sem.); PhD (Southwestern Baptist Theol. Sem.)
Pastoral Ministries

Honorary Research Assistants

BSS (Lingnan); MACS, MDiv (CUHK)
Practical Theology

Research Assistants

Susan W.S. IP
BSc (University of New South Wales); MACS (CUHK)
Practical Theology