![]() | 黃慧賢 |
Programme Director, MTheol & DTheol Director, Centre for Quality-Life Education |
研究興趣 |
- Discovery of Invisible Women’s Ministers: A Study of Bible-Women of Church Missionary Society in Hong Kong (1880s-1950s)
- Women’s Work for Women: Transnational Cooperation of a Christian Women’s Community in Canton, South China (1847-1951)
- A Preliminary Study on the Struggles and Challenges of the Aftermath of Female Survivors: A Critical Review of Hong Kong Coping Against Intimate Partner Violence (with Ng Wai-Ching Irene, Social Work Department, CUHK)
- 《神學起動—女性主義神學家素描》。香港:香港婦女基督徒協會,2011。(與黃慧貞、胡露茜、麥明儀合編)
- 《婦女牧養與事奉—2002華人婦女神學會議報告文集》。香港:香港婦女基督徒協會,2005。(與盧居樂合編)
- 《婦女經驗與婦女牧養》。香港:香港婦女基督徒協會,2003。(與黃慧貞、蘇敏幗合編)
- “Revisionist Footbinding in China: Cultural Encounters between Women Missionaries and Chinese Women.” In Women in Christianity in the Age of Empire (1800-1920), A Cultural History of Women in Christianity, 5, ed. Janet Wootton. (Forthcoming)
- Review of Guns and Gospel: Imperialism and Evangelism in China. Journal of Chinese Religions 46, no.1 (2018): 88-90.
- “Revisionist Women’s Work for Women: Contribution of Native Women Workers in Canton, American Presbyterian Mission.” In Shaping of Christianity in Greater China: Indigenous Christians in
Focus, ed. Paul Woods, 152-66. Oxford: Regnum Books, 2017. - 〈婦女與服務—廣州基督教女青年會第一個四份一世紀〉。收入黃文江、張雲開和陳智衡編:《變局下的西潮:基督教與中國的現代性》,475-95。香港:建道神學院,2015。
- Review of Wounded Visions: Unity, Justice, and Peace in the World Church after 1968. International Bulletin of Missionary Research 37, no.4 (October 2013): 245-46.
- “Expanding Social Networks: A Case Study of Cora Deng and Y.T. Wu on Their Roles and Participation in the National Salvation Movement in the 1930s China.” 收入邢福增編:《大時代的宗教信仰—吳耀宗與二十世紀中國基督教》,291-340。香港:基督教中國宗教文化研究社,2011。
- 〈全球視野,在地行動—胡露茜〉。收入黃慧貞等編:《神學起動—女性主義神學家素描》,231-55。香港:香港婦女基督徒協會,2011。
- “Love Your Neighbor (Other) as Yourself: Response to Elizabeth Koepping’s Paper.” Asian Christian Review, 4, no.1 (2010): 14-19.