BA, MPhil (HKU); DPhil (Oxon)

电话: (852) 3943 4276
电邮: johntpl@cuhk.edu.hk

  1. Religion and literature
  2. Religion and translation
  3. Christianity and Chinese literature
  4. Christianity in China
  1. Harvard Yenching Visiting Scholar Fellowship (2015-16)
  2. Research Excellence Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2010-11)
  3. The Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2010) (2011) (2013) (2014) (2015) (2017)
  1. “Transforming Morality and Society: Chinese Jesuit Fiction and Drama in the Republican Era (1912-1937)” (General Research Fund)
  2. “Rediscovering the Lost Heritage: The Religious Poetics of the ‘New Age Novels’ (1895) and Its Far-reaching Impact on Chinese Literary Modernity” (General Research Fund)
  3. “Chinese Christian Novels in Late Qing China (1807-1911): An Interdisciplinary Study of Religion and Literature” (General Research Fund)
  4. “Strategies of Cultural Negotiation: A Critical Study of the Translation of Christian Tracts in Late Qing China, 1843-1911” (General Research Fund)
  1. 《福音演义:晚清汉语基督教小说的书写》。台北:台湾大学出版中心,2017。
  2. 《中国基督教文字事业编年史(1860-1911)》。香港:基督教文艺出版社,2015。
  3. 《道德除害传—清末基督徒时新小说选》。新北:橄榄出版有限公司,2015。
  4. 《赎罪之道传—郭实猎基督教小说集》。新北:橄榄出版有限公司,2013。
  5. 《经典的转生—晚清〈天路历程〉汉译研究》。香港:基督教中国宗教文化研究社,2012。
  6. 《晚清基督教叙事文学选粹》。新北:橄榄出版有限公司,2012。
  7. Negotiating Religious Gaps: The Enterprise of Translating Christian Tracts by Protestant Missionaries in Nineteenth-century China. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica, 2012.
  1. 〈寓教于乐—天主教圣经戏剧《古圣若瑟白话演义》研究〉,《圣经文学研究》第十四辑(2017春):142-167。
  2. 〈张佃书《无名小说》(1895)的宗教表述—以其「时调」为重点的分析〉,《汉学研究》第33卷第1期(2015年3月):295-318。
  3. 〈《圣经》的中国演义:理雅各史传小说《约瑟纪》(1852)研究〉。《汉学研究》31(1)(2013年3月):161-185。
  4. 〈首部汉译德文基督教小说:论《金屋型仪》中女性形象的本土化〉。《中国文哲研究通讯》22(1)(2012年3月):21-41。
  5. 〈重构他界想像:晚清汉译基督教小说《安乐家》(1882)初探〉。《编译论丛》(台湾国家教育研究院)5(1)(2012年3月):189-209。
  6. 〈晚清基督教文学:《正道启蒙》(1864)的中国小说叙事特征〉。《道风:基督教文化评论》35(2011年7月):279-299。
  7. 〈晚清基督教小说《引家当道》的圣经底蕴与中国处境意义〉,《圣经文学研究》5(2011年5月):79-95。
  8. 〈论《天路历程》三个汉译本的译诗策略与风格〉。《编译论丛》4(1)(2011年3月):73-97。
  9. “Performing Religion: Chinese Catholic Biblical Drama in the Republican Era,” Journal of Chinese Religions, Vol. 45, no.1 (May 2017): 39-62.
  10. “Robert Morrison: Chinese Literature and Translated Modernity.” In A New Literary History of Modern China. Edited by David Der-wei Wang. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 2017. 56-62.
  11. “‘Supreme Nation’: The British Image in Karl Gützlaff’s Novels Shifei lüelun and Dayingguo tongzhi.” In Reshaping the Boundaries: The Christian Intersection of China and the West in the Modern Era. Edited by Song Gang. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2016. 59-75.
  12. “Translating Buddhism: Timothy Richard‘s Christian Interpretation of The Journey to the West”, Cowrie: A Journal of Comparative Literature and Culture, vol. 12, no. 2 (Dec 2014): 126-154.
  13. “Fictional Representation of the Bible: Chinese Christian Novels of the Late 19th Century”, Literature and Theology: An International Journal of Religion, Theory and Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press), Vol. 28, No. 2 (June 2014): 201-225.
  14. “Distribution of Christian Literature in East Asia: A Comparison of China and Japan in the Late 19th Century.” In Christian Presence and Progress in North-East Asia: Historical and Comparative Studies. Edited by Jan A. B. Jongeneel et al. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011. 26-40.
  15. “Cultural and Religious Negotiation: Missionary Translations of The Anxious Inquirer into Chinese.” In Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology & Philosophy 10 (December 2010): 81-122.
  16. “Chinese Literature and Christianity”, in Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, edited by Daniel Patte. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 209-210.
  17. “Doctrinal Dispute within Interdenominational Missions: The Shanghai Tract Committee in the 1840s.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. vol. 20, part 3 (July 2010): 307-317.