Hospitality as a Paradigm in Integral Mission: An Ecumenical and Indigenous Exploration
Hospitality is missional in every aspect as it invites others to experience the redemptive experience and hospitality of God. And as Christians we believe that we are created and called to live in community both with God and others. This calls for hospitality to become one of our priorities to reach out to our neighborhoods. Hospitality to strangers gives us a chance to see our own lives afresh, through different eyes.[1] One of the basic factors of unfulfilled hospitality is difference. We do feel more comfortable with the ones who have the same likeness, interest etc. Another factor is individualism that outshadowed communitarian living. This has promoted privatization, being satisfied what I owned I do not need my neighbor attitude gave birth to selfish, competitive and unjust lifestyle.
This paper is to explore the ecumenical and Indigenous aspects of hospitality and further employ this as a paradigm in integral mission. Prior to that it will outline the biblical foundation on hospitality and further move on to speculate on hospitality in ecumenical explorations pinpointing its missional dimension and call to hospitality. Another aspect will be from the Indigenous people’s understanding on hospitality wherein three aspects will be highlighted: Blessing of hosting, sharing as an aspect of hospitality and reciprocation as an act of hospitality. Later the paper will attempt to infuse this on Christian understanding of hospitality, on how it can be established as a paradigm for Christian mission.
Keywords: Hospitality, Biblical Understanding, Indigenous, Sobaliba, Ecumenical.

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