第二十屆傳經講座:猶太聖經的正典 | 20th Chuen King Biblical Lectureship: The Canon of Jewish Scriptures

Event Date: 
2016-02-26 (Fri) 7:30pm to 2016-02-28 (Sun) 6:45pm

第二十屆傳經講座:猶太聖經的正典 (英語主講,即時粵語傳譯) 

講員:林主榮教授 (Prof. Timothy H. LIM)

26/2/2016 (Fri) 7:30-9:30pm

28/2/2016 (Sun) 2:15-4:15pm

28/2/2016 (Sun) 4:45-6:45pm 

即時傳譯:麥金華教授 (香港浸會大學林思齊東西學術交流研究所研究助理教授)
地  點:循道衛理聯合教會香港堂1樓正堂 (香港灣仔軒尼詩道36號)
費  用: 每位港幣$100 (共3講,本院校友、捐款人或5位以上集體報名七折)
報名方法: 於下列網上報名欄登記後,把報名費以劃線支票 (抬頭為「香港中文大學」或“The Chinese University of Hong Kong”)寄回「新界沙田香港中文大學崇基學院神學院-傳經講座」收。本院於收妥報名費後會透過EventNook (order@eventnook.com) 寄出電子門券,屆時請出示門券以茲識辨 (列印或以電子儀器出示均可)。

查  詢:黃小姐 電話 39436708 / 傳真 26035224/ 電郵 zoebelle@cuhk.edu.hk


林教授為聖經及猶太研究學者,專治古代猶太教歷史、文獻和宗教思想,以及基督教起源,研究興趣十分廣泛,並以精研死海古卷而飲譽國際,對於探究死海文獻如何有助今人了解正典的發展、古猶太教的釋經及早期基督教等方面,貢獻良多。林教授的近著包括由牛津大學出版社出版的《死海古卷概說》(此書已翻譯成六種語言,包括中文),以及由耶魯大學出版社出版的The Formation of the Jewish Canon。林教授並擔任Oxford Commentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls主編,致力推動死海古卷研究。

網上登記 Online Registration

If your computer is not able to show the ticket purchase bottom as below, please click here to link to Online Registration website.
If you have any difficulity on online registration, please contact us by phone or email.

[We have migranted the online registration system to EventNook. For those register before 23:59 of 10 December, 2015, we will transfer your data to new system. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.]

20th Chuen King Biblical Lectureship: The Canon of Jewish Scriptures 

Speaker:Prof. Timothy H. LIM

26/2/2016 (Fri) 7:30-9:30pm
Lecture 1: From Authoritative Scriptures to Canon

28/2/2016 (Sun) 2:15-4:15pm
Lecture 2: Dual and Graded Authority of Scriptures in the Dead Sea Scrolls

28/2/2016 (Sun) 4:45-6:45pm 
Lecture 3: Holy Scriptures, Human Canon

Cantonese Interpreter: Prof. George K.W. MAK 
(Research Assistance Professor, David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Venue: Chapel, 1,F, Chinese Methodist Church (36, Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) 
Fee: HK$100 (for 3 lectures) 30% off for DSCCC alumni, donor or group purchase (5 or above). 
Please post your application fee by a crossed cheque (payable to "The Chinese University of Hong Kong") to "CK lecture", Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin" after Online Registration.  We will send e-ticket via email by EventNook when payment is confirmed. 

Enquiry: Miss Wong Tel 39436708/ Fax 26035224/ Email zoebelle@cuhk.edu.hk

CV of Prof. Timothy H. LIM: http://www.ed.ac.uk/divinity/staff/bio.php?uun=limt