
Twenty-First Century Hymnology

3 Units

This course aims at the study of hymns and the development of church music in historical perspectives. It will investigate how hymns, as carriers and interpreters of 2000 years of Christian faith, have laid their biblical foundation, and have incorporated historical and cultural elements as well as their respective musical styles to enrich the liturgy and shape our spirituality. It will also examine how the hymn explosion of the latter part of 20th century has opened up a new world of 21st century hymnology, which on the one hand has incorporated new vocabularies to deal with issues of human rights, social, economical and political justice, ecology and integrity of creation, and on the other hand has adapted musical languages of the modern world with diversified ethnic styles that has formed a new world of 21st century global hymns. Emphasis will be placed on the analysis and application of contemporary hymns and praise choruses musically, theologically and liturgically.

Old Course Code (2009-10 and before) : THE5243